Monday, October 25, 2010

Home Owner's Essential Guide to Bat Removal by Michael Koski

I received this publication by Michael Koski who operates sometime ago and I am finally reviewing this publication.

As the title suggests, it is a quick explanation on the management of bats written in a way for non-professionals to understand. It's a PDF publication (meaning it can be sent via e-mail). It's only about 48 pages long (8.5x11 inch pages). The large font size (maybe 14 point or more), photos, bibliography, and large headings, combine to make the 48 pages read like 20.

Bats scare homeowners. They worry about the cost, the risks, and the mess of feces and urine. Mr. Koski endeavors to lessen the tension by presenting information in a non-crisis manner. He openly tells readers that their bat situation is likely not serious. He walks readers through the process of identifying the presence of bats, species of bats, bat biology, bat risks before discussing control.

Unsurprisingly, he explains the pitfalls of do-it-yourself bat control and the risk of hiring unqualified bat controllers to do it for you. While cynics may consider these comments as self-serving, the fact is Mr. Koski's advice has much merit. Homeowners with bat problems do need to properly consider their options and avoid the pitfalls Koski's lists. Note, my agreement with some of Koski's points is in no way to be interpreted as an endorsement of his company. I don't know whether his company is qualified or not. I am saying, however, that his concerns are valid and worth considering. For additional tips and questions for evaluating wildlife damage management professionals visit

I also commend Mr. Koski for teaching readers how to capture lone bats and emphasizing the importance of the need to consider the potential of rabies exposure.

In sum, I believe the book contains valuable information which will benefit readers. The 35 dollar price tag (Oct 15, 2010 price) seems a bit steep to my mind, particularly when it is just a download. Nevertheless, while much of the information is available for free at the Internet Center for Wildlife Damage Managmeent, it isn't packaged as succinctly as Mr. Koski has done.So if your time is very valuable, then his booklet will certainly save you time.

Stephen M. Vantassel is a Certified Wildlife Control Professional (CWCP) with the National Wildlife Control Operators Association ( and author of Dominion over Wildlife? An Environmental-Theology of Human-Wildlife Relations (Wipf and Stock, 2009).

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